Lack of water and clean bathrooms in the fields of Fowler. Falta de agua y banos sucios en Fowler

Wednesday 5 January 2022 11:09:01 AM

Location: Fowler, CA, USA

Categorie: Other


In this fowler field of the corner of Mcall and Addams farmworkers complain of dirty bathrooms and lack of toilet paper. The foreman does not bring the water in time and tells them that since it is winter, they should not be thirsty. Foremans are also pressuring the workers to hurry up and work faster or else they can leave. Workers wish to remain anonymous. En este campo de Folwer, por las calles Mcall y Addams los trabajadores se quejan de los banos sucios, falta de papel higienico y agua para tomar. Segun los mayordomos no les debe de dar sed en el invierno. El mayordomo tambien se la pasa apurando a los trabajadores para que terminen mas rapido. Los trabajadores desean ser anonimos.

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